Sorry I've been a little MIA lately. I'll sum up the last few months.
All summer long people gave us food they had grown. Luckily, I was kind of "nesting". I made grape juice, grape jelly, apple juice, dehydrated apple chips, canned pears, canned peaches, and canned tomatoes. I attempted to dehydrate potatoes, but it didn't work out. Maybe I'll try again next year. I was going to take a picture of everything to, but I never got around to it. And now all the juice, jelly, and apple chips are gone. :(
Winter has been hard. Our house has become too small for two active little boys, and there isn't much to do outside in single digit weather. We haven't had a lot of snow to play in either.
In January, our sweet baby girl was born. She weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and was 22 inches long. (Although I think they measured inaccurately and she was only 21 1/2 inches long.) (Sorry, my internet is too slow to upload a picture today. Check my facebook page for a picture.)
After baby girl was born, I refashioned a dress into a nursing top by adding part of a tank top underneath. That's all the crafting I have been doing. Well, that's it for me. Are you doing anything fun? And if you really want to see how my life is, check out my other blog: Warning: it's a long post.