Pay no attention to the cup design. It's the only thing I could think of that would show all of my earrings. I really like my newest earrings on the right. I scored these awesome shell beads from the thrift store. Well worth my money. The middle pair turned out well, but are a tad too long for my liking. The thing not on the cup is called a "bead bomb". It's a bunch of beads on wire, all woven in and out. I plan to put it on a bracelet or necklace eventually with other trinkets/charms.
This was a cool ring I made at my mom's in Minnesota. Unfortunately, I left it in the locker at the temple, and they threw it away with the old lockers because they were getting new ones. :( Boo. Again. Oh well.
I don't know a whole lot about beading yet, but I have always wanted to do it! And now I am! If you'd like me to share my tidbits of knowledge, I would be glad to! What have you been crafting lately?